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actual quantity中文是什么意思

用"actual quantity"造句"actual quantity"怎么读"actual quantity" in a sentence


  • 实际量


  • Compares actual quantities ordered versus forecasts
  • What is the actual quantity stated
  • Order monitoring compares actual quantities ordered versus forecasts
  • Partial shipments are allowed . 10 % mt for each lot , actual quantity subject to l / c
    允许分批装运,每批公吨10 % ,以买方信用证为准。
  • The quantity and weight herein shall correspond with actual quantity and weight of goods to be inspected and net / gross weights shall also be covered
  • The carload quantity referred to on a carload rate has nothing to do with the actual quantity required to fill the rail car , but is the minimum weight specified to qualify for a lower class rate
  • Red - dots expressly declares that it has not seen or examined the good and has no control whatsoever on the actual quantity , quality , safety , legality or the fitness for any purpose of the good
  • By images , i . e . personal photos and film stills representing as extensively as possible the screen career of each of the stars : dbut on the screen and first leading role , the film that brought him or her to stardom as well as other major films , award - winning performances , most recent work , etc , totaling 6 to 18 photos for each of them , depending on the actual quantity of films they have ever made respectively , and the availability of related photos and stills
  • And the last , some sea trial results show that the match among the main engine and propeller is slightly heavy for the real vessel construction . although the reasons are very complex , most of them can be resolved by the method of propeller trailing edge modification . because of lack of guidance in theory , the actual quantities of modification were very difficult to decided and lots of quarrels may be raised between the shipyard and the owner before
用"actual quantity"造句  
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